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Collaborators from different research groups with wide-ranging expertise.
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Rely on Collective Data, Emphasise Your Work!
As importance of ultrasonic guided waves is growing rapidly, new signal evaluation techniques occur almost on a regular basis. Unfortunately, they often lack real data testing or at least comprehensible data acquisition.
To enable comparisons of evaluation methods on a mutual basis, this website provides a transparent data set of real wide-range measurements. As it is freely available we explicitly encourage everyone to test their own algorithm with the provided data and include the results in their publications.

Who We Are
Inquisitive people keeping themselves busy with problems of structural health monitoring and guided waves join together in an expert committee under the patronage of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V. (DGZfP). Therein the working group signal processing pulls together those who sympathise especially with processing of guided wave signals. For now, three regions of interest are investigated precisley:
Accurate imaging techniques enable a precise damage localization and targeted maintenance actions.
Wave Field Analysis
Acoustic wave field analysis helps understanding the nature of guided wave propagation and provides necessary information for reliable damage characterization.
CONTACTEnvironmental & Operational Effects
For a robust and practical guided wave SHM system all potential environmental effects on the system have to be taken into account.
For now the team includes researchers from the following institutions and companies:

Goethe Universität
Frankfurt am Main
Jochen Moll

Universität Augsburg
Markus Sause

Airbus Helicopters
Martin Bach

Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.
Michael Koerdt

Universität Siegen
Jens Kathol,
Claus-Peter Fritzen

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Maria Moix-Bonet,
Armin Huber

Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS
Robert Neubeck,
Kilian Tschöke,
Lars Schubert

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Yevgeniya Lugovtsova,
Jannis Bulling,
Jens Prager
A First Step to Increase Comparability
We aim to provide a reliable and open accessable data set for guided wave inspection techniques for carbon fibre reinforced polymers. Hence, data was recorded with our utmost care and expertise. A detailed description is attached to the data.
The samples were produced according to the high standards of aerospace requirements.
X-ray imaging and ultrasonic inspection assure the integrity of the samples. Material properties are provided.
Propagation behaviour of guided waves in the samples was recorded using a 3D laser Doppler vibrometer.
Guided waves signals were recorded for a large setup of frequencies and artificial defects in a controlled environment.
Got curious? Get your data here:

How to Cite?
You would like to use our data for scientific publication? – You’re totally welcome! Please just cite our papers describing the survey of the data and the website:
Moll, J.; Kathol, J.; Fritzen, C.-P.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Rennoch, M.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.; Sause, M. and Bach, M., „Open Guided Waves – Online Platform for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Measurements“, Structural Health Monitoring, 2019, vol. 18(5–6), 1903–1914, DOI: 10.1177/1475921718817169
SEE PUBLICATIONMoll, J.; Kexel, C.; Pötzsch, S.; Rennoch, M. and Herrmann, A. S., „Temperature affected guided wave propagation in a composite plate complementing the Open Guided Waves Platform“, Scientific Data, 2019, 6:191,
DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0208-1 (paper)
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4488089 (files)