Open Guided Wave (OGW) Datasets

OGW dataset #4

Kudela, P.; Radzienski, M.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Willberg, C.; Lugovtsova, Y.; Bulling, J.; Tschöke, K.; Moll, J.: Dataset on full ultrasonic guided wavefield measurements of a CFRP plate with fully bonded and partially debonded omega stringer, Data in Brief, 2022, vol. 42, 108078, DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108078

Measurements of wave propagation recorded by a 3D laser Doppler vibrometer

Direct URL to data: (external link)

OGW dataset #3

Moll, J.; Kexel, C.; Kathol, J.; Fritzen, C.-P.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Willberg, C.; Rennoch, M.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.: Guided waves for damage detection in complex composite structures: The influence of omega stringer and different reference damage size, Applied Sciences, 2020, vol. 10, 3068, DOI: 10.3390/app10093068

Guided wave signals recorded for a large setup of frequencies and artificial defects

Matlab function to visualize structure of h5-container: h5view
Matlab example to read-in the ultrasonic data: Analysis_Differential_Signal
Matlab example to read-in the temperature data: Analysis_Temperature_Fluctuations
Browse files

Measurements of wave propagation recorded by a 3D laser Doppler vibrometer

Matlab function to visualize structure of h5-container: h5view
Matlab example to read-in the wavefield data: Read_AcousticWavefield
Browse files

Simulation models and signal script

Browse files

OGW dataset #2

Moll, J.; Kexel, C.; Pötzsch, S.; Rennoch, M.; Herrmann, A. S.: Temperature affected guided wave propagation in a composite plate complementing the Open Guided Waves Platform, Scientific Data, 2019, 6:191, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0208-1

Moll, J.; Kexel, C.; Pötzsch, S.; Rennoch, M.; Herrmann, A. S.: Temperature affected guided wave propagation in a composite plate complementing the Open Guided Waves Platform, 2019, figshare, collection, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4488089.v1

Guided wave signals recorded under varying temperature for different frequencies as well as artificial defects.

See how guided wave measurements were performed
Matlab function to visualize structure of h5-container: h5view
For files visit the publishers file-sharing host (external link)

OGW dataset #1

Moll, J.; Kathol, J.; Fritzen, C.-P.; Moix-Bonet, M.; Rennoch, M.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A.; Sause, M.; Bach, M.: Open Guided Waves – Online Platform for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Measurements, Structural Health Monitoring, 2019, vol. 18(5–6), 1903–1914, DOI: 10.1177/1475921718817169

Guided wave signals recorded for a large setup of frequencies and artificial defects.

See how guided wave measurements were performed
Matlab function to visualize structure of h5-container: h5view
Matlab example to read-in the ultrasonic data: Analysis_Differential_Signal
Matlab example to read-in the temperature data: Analysis_Temperature_Fluctuations
Browse files

Measurements of wave propagation recorded by a 3D laser Doppler vibrometer.

See how the wave propagation was measured
Matlab function to visualize structure of h5-container: h5view
Matlab example to read-in the wavefield data: Read_AcousticWavefield
Browse files

Grayscale images from X-ray measurements of the specimen.

See the description of X-ray measurements
See the X-ray image of the wavefield plate
See the X-ray image of the SHM plate
Download all files (especially raw data)

Images from ultrasonic non-destructive testing of the specimen.

See the description of ultrasonic measurements
Browse files

Dispersion calculator

Huber, A. M. A.; Sause, M. G. R.: Classification of solutions for guided waves in anisotropic composites with large numbers of layers, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, vol. 144(6), 3236–3251, DOI: 10.1121/1.5082299

Calculation of dispersion diagrams and mode shapes of guided waves in isotropic materials and anisotropic composites

Read about the Dispersion Calculator
Get the Dispersion Calculator (external link)